It's crazy to think a week and a half ago, I was hit by a car. I'm amazed at God's goodness through it all and the bodies ability to heal itself.
Many have asked about my recovery, so I will give a quick update.
Monday, we went back to the ER to take another x-ray of my foot because the swelling hadn't gone down. It showed my fourth toe was broken, so they put on a soft cast on my foot for 11 days. (Soft cast- plaster mold on the bottom and gauze on top.) James took off the cast yesterday, and I've been able to take a few steps on it. I must admit it was pretty exciting to be able to walk without crutches! It was really sweet to have Jacob holding my hand and James holding the other. Jacob is teaching me to walk now! Other than my swollen leg/foot- everything else is healing well.
We were able to have Sergey over for dinner on Thursday night, the man who hit me with his car. It was such a humbling experience to be able to host him. He talked a mile a minute to James and even brought me flowers. He was truly sorry for the accident, and said he was open to church. We gave him the book "Done" by Carrie Schmidt, and he said he would read it. He was suppose to stop by today, but ironically he fell and broke his arm. Kinda crazy! But he said he doesn't want to lose contact with us and will try to stop in around lunch time Monday or Tuesday. We have been fervently praying that next time he comes over for tea, James will have a chance to talk about Christ with him. We would covet your prayers for the Holy Spirit to be working on his heart and give wisdom for James.
I was just telling James today, that I'm amazed at how my spirits haven't been down since the accident. It truly has been the Lord. I don't allow my mind to think of what could have happened or not running. I remind myself that as much as I love running, it's just running. I will recover and resume running in time and get down to that 9 minute mile for long distance! Although it kills me to not be out in the nice weather and not be able to run in the upcoming races, I know God has a purpose in it all.
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength: Isaiah 26:3,4
May I encourage those of you who are going through a difficult time or a season of change, to keep your eyes on the Lord. The Lord gives us seasons in life, and some seasons may not be the most enjoyable, but there's a purpose. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1
And if the only purpose is to glorify God, then it's worth it. May we look for ways to glorify God in all that we say and do. A merry heart doth good like a medicine!
And if you can run in traffic and get hit by a car and witness to the guy, do it!
I think I just came up with our next youth activity!... just kidding. :)
Here are some of my favorite things people have said to me since the accident:
-texting my friend while sitting on the x-ray table right after the accident, I told her I was thankful to be alive and she said "Yes, gotta watch those cross-walks..." Thanks for that reminder!
-showed that same friend a photo "Ewww....pretty! Your face will be black and blue for awhile!"
this is when I stopped texting that friend haha
-from my friend Carl
"Awesome nose!"
he was disappointed when it started to go back to normal size.
-In regards to being able to witness to the man who hit me, Bro. Gary W. said
"Well Mrs. Amber, you've found your ministry! Get back out there and play in traffic some more! This was just a bump- just think what would happen with a bus!!!!"
thank you for that great idea!
-the few hours after I was hit and telling everyone about it, I heard everyone's broken bone story or any story they wanted to share...
"My cat was hit by a car too..."
okay so no one told me that, but I'm trying to protect the innocent.
-one of my favorites under my first post of the news from Bro. Bill K.
"There are easier ways to witness to people!!!!"
-from my awesome niece Gracie-
"Why wasn't that guy watching out for her?! She's a runner!!"
-from my awesome niece Gracie-
"Why wasn't that guy watching out for her?! She's a runner!!"
In all seriousness, thank you all for the many many encouraging emails, and posts. The Lord is working in great ways both in my recovery and in the heart of this man. I am blessed to have such an amazing husband who has been my hands and feet and not complained once. I am grateful to the ladies here who provided meals for us. And I'm humbled at the kindness of so many. Words can't express our gratitude. To God be the glory!
Happy Valentines Day! |
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