Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Two Week Notice

Dear Mommy & Daddy,

   Consider this your two week notice. Ready or not, here I come!
            - Jacob Daniel Pranger

My Sweet Little Pumpkin,

   My mind still can't comprehend, seeing your sweet face in just a couple of weeks! The big question, will you be early or late or right on time? Such a mystery! We know whenever you decide to come, we will be ready! My eyes get all teary eyed every time I think of holding you and kissing your sweet face. I have prayed for that moment and look forward to it so much. In that moment, you will be placed in my arms and into our lives forever. Seeing you will be the sweetest moment of our lives.

   Secretly, I will be watching your daddy. I can't wait to see his expression when he sees you for the first time. I have been blessed and spoiled to carry you in my belly for the past 38 weeks. And we have become pretty fond of each other. Mommy is so in love with you! And I can't wait for daddy to feel that same love when he gets to see and hold you for the first time. Daddy has been playing with you almost every day. He likes to feel you move around and poke you in hopes you will kick him. He prays for you and talks to you too. (He's the more manly voice you hear. The sweeter gentler voice is me :) ) At first daddy felt a little silly talking to my belly, but he got over that. A few weeks ago, daddy put his hand on my side and you kicked him right away! I was cheering you on as you played with him- it was really cute. I'm pretty sure you have long legs too, because you sure like being spread out!

   The midwife said last week, your head is down and in position. I am 1cm dilated and 25% effaced! Which means you are getting ready to meet us!! And you are super low! Yesterday when I went for a run, I thought you might fall out. (And yes, I am still running! Go me! I'm taking it easy so don't worry.) And apparently, I have been getting Braxton Hicks and didn't even realize it, my midwife pointed it out to me. So what I need you to do is to make labor really easy for mommy, okay? If you could just make the real contractions feel like the fake ones that would be great.

   My sweet little boy, I can't tell you enough how excited I am to meet you. Two weeks left! Your baby shower is this weekend, then mommy and daddy will be as physically prepared for you as we can be! God has been so good to us to bless us with you. We love you with all our hearts.

Until We Meet,

Whose pumpkin is bigger?

Aren't these the cutest shower favors ever? And daddy helped decorate all the cute faces!